

Declaration [src]

xdp_portal_add_notification (
  XdpPortal* portal,
  const char* id,
  GVariant* notification,
  XdpNotificationFlags flags,
  GCancellable* cancellable,
  GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
  gpointer data

Description [src]

Sends a desktop notification.

The following keys may be present in notification:

  • title s: a user-visible string to display as title
  • body s: a user-visible string to display as body
  • markup-body s: a user-visible string to display as body with support for markup
  • icon v: a serialized icon (in the format produced by g_icon_serialize() for class@Gio.ThemedIcon, class@Gio.FileIcon and class@Gio.BytesIcon)
  • sound v: a serialized sound
  • priority s: “low”, “normal”, “high” or “urgent”
  • default-action s: name of an action that will be activated when the user clicks on the notification
  • default-action-target v: target parameter to send along when activating the default action.
  • buttons aa{sv}: array of serialized buttons
  • display-hint as: An array of display hints.
  • category s: A category for this notification. See the spec for supported categories

The serialized sound consists of a s or sv: - default : Play the default sound for the notification. - silent : Don’t ever play a sound for the notification. - file s: A path to a sound file. - bytes ay: An array of bytes.

The supported sound formats are ogg/opus, ogg/vorbis and wav/pcm.

Each serialized button is a dictionary with the following supported keys:

  • label s: user-visible label for the button. Mandatory without a purpose.
  • action s: name of an action that will be activated when the user clicks on the button. Mandatory
  • purpose s: information used by the server to style the button specially.
  • target v: target parameter to send along when activating the button

Actions with a prefix of “app.” are assumed to be exported by the application and will be activated via the org.freedesktop.Application interface, others are activated by emitting the XdpPortal::notification-action-invoked signal.

It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the ID is unique among all notifications.

To withdraw a notification, use xdp_portal_remove_notification().

This method completes asynchronously. Use xdp_portal_add_notification_finish() inside the GAsyncReadyCallback to obtain the result of the operation.



Type: const char*

Unique ID for the notification.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.

Type: GVariant

A GVariant dictionary with the content of the notification.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: XdpNotificationFlags

Options for this call.


Type: GCancellable

Optional GCancellable.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Type: GAsyncReadyCallback

A callback to call when the request is done.

The argument can be NULL.

Type: gpointer

Data to pass to callback.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the method.